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Showing posts from April, 2009

A little bit closer to a bathroom

If you've been following this blog, you've seen some before and during pics of the 2nd floor hall bath. Here are some pics a bit closer to done - floor tile is in, trim is up, sink and toilet are installed. Bill started sanding and spray painting the exterior of the old clawfoot tub yesterday, so hopefully we'll get that into the bathroom soon(ish). That will allow us to put the door back on (tub is too big to fit through the doorway), and we'll be back to a full working bathroom! PS, When I took the pics for this post, I took a close-up of the tile. Once I downloaded the pic, I realized how crazy dirty that floor is, so you'll have to zoom and/or squint instead. I'm happy we found this tile though. I thought vintage-style tile would be expensive and have to be ordered online somewhere, but this white and black pinwheel tile was pretty cheap and came from Lowes. Luck!

Progress on baby's room

This was the room with two doorways and no doors. The room had (destroyed) plaster underneath drywall with caulked seams (why bother with that pesky mudding/taping/sanding process!), and trim that was partially primed (got bored while painting so just stopped?). After Dad and Eric ripped everything out, we redid the electrical and insulation, framed in a new closet, and started on drywall. Now that we have so many rooms in progress, it will take a while longer to finish everything, but hopefully it won't be too long before this looks more like a finished room. Not that it's a big rush - we have until approximately 9/10 to finish this project. :)

Slacking on the blog, but not the house

Been a while since the last post, busy few weeks. We finally moved, and now own only one house - hooray! Dad and Eric were in town for over a week, first helping us move, then working tirelessly every day on house projects. Three new areas are now demo'd - the baby's room, the upstairs hallway, and the upstairs storage area that will become the walk-in closet for the master bedroom. They're also partially reconstructed - re-insulated, new electrical, and partially drywalled. Thank goodness Dad and Eric were here, because it would have taken us a full month to do that much work! They toughed it out through the demo of plaster walls in the bedroom, much easier than expected except for how heavy all that plaster is. They thought pulling the billion staples from the old ceiling tiles was the worst project (agreed, that sucks), until Eric started demo on the ceiling in the closet and got covered with dirt, birds' nests (again???), pine needles, and all sorts of other nasty g