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Showing posts from August, 2023

What Surprised Us in Nicaragua

We researched Granada before our trip, of course, and considered ourselves forewarned about some potential problems. Some of those problems never occurred, but others popped up that we weren't prepared for. Here's what surprised us during our trip to Nicaragua: Mosquitos... Or the lack thereof. We read a LOT of warnings about mosquitos in Granada, specifically that we'd get eaten alive unless we slathered ourselves with serious bug repellent daily. This was one of my biggest concerns in terms of daily comfort here. Two weeks into our trip, we've gotten a couple bites each - less than I'd typically get sitting on our porch at home - but have not needed to use bug spray. (We'll bring it on our upcoming excursions out of the city, but I don't anticipate needing it otherwise.) Considering that we're staying in a hacienda-style house with an open center where basically all living spaces other than our bedrooms and bathrooms are open to the outdoors, we're

our house in nicaragua by zadie

For my birthday yesterday, I asked the girls to write a blog post about Nicaragua. Here's what Zadie wrote: my favorite part is the pool and the pool noodles.  I also like the hammocks. and my bedroom is good.💙 I made my room messy.

Why Granada, Nicaragua?

Another year, another trip to a city we'd never heard of prior to last year. Of all the places to live for a month, why'd we choose Granada? Calle La Calzada and La Catedral Work Considerations Bill's working much of this trip, so like last year, we need to stay within US time zones so he can participate in meetings, and need reliable enough internet. We also like there to be a co-working space nearby in case there's some reason Bill can't comfortably or quietly work from home. Language Bill and I have both been taking Spanish lessons specifically so it will be easier to travel to the many Spanish-speaking countries. We looked only at those countries for this trip. Airfare Our approach lately has been to first look at where we can fly for a non-exorbitant sum of money, then decide which of those locations we'd like to stay. There are a billion places on earth that we'd like to see, so we're trying not to be overly precious about which we visit in any giv